Position Title
Professor Emerita of Textiles and Clothing and Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
Susan B. Kaiser is Professor of Textiles and Clothing, and Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies, and is a member of the Cultural Studies Graduate Group at the University of California, Davis. She is the author of The Social Psychology of Clothing: Symbolic Appearances in Context (2nd edition, revised, Fairchild Publications) and over 80 articles in academic journals ranging from Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, Fashion Theory, Cultural Studies, Symbolic Interaction, and Sociological Inquiry to the Journal of Consumer Culture. She is a Fellow and Past President of the International Textile and Apparel Association and serves on the Editorial Board of Fashion Theory. Her current research focuses on fashion theory in conversation with feminist cultural studies, the production-consumption interface in the transnational textile/apparel complex, and (re)constructions of masculinity through style and fashion.