Moradewun Adejunmobi (Professor) African American & African Studies – Multilingualism, translation, and intercultural communication in postcolonial societies; Literacy studies; African literature; African popular film and culture; Francophone studies
Susan Taber Avila (Professor) Design – Fashion Design; Experimental Fashion; History of Fashion; Textile Art; Issues of Containment (including language, the body, and identity)
Emilio Bejel (Distinguished Professor Emeritus) Spanish & Portuguese – Spanish & Spanish American literature; literary theory; Lezama Lima, Carpentier, Borges, Sarduy, Arenas; ideology; poetics; gender transgressions; globalization
Beverly Bossler (Professor) History – China in the High Imperial period (Tang-Song-Yuan, 618-1368), especially social, intellectual and gender history in this period; history of women and family in China; gender and sexuality in China; early imperial China; 19th century China; and China in global trade networks in the Song and Yuan.
Patrick Carroll (Professor Emeritus) Sociology – Science and technology studies; Historical and cultural sociology; Social theory of science; Technology, governance and the State
Ryan Cartwright (Assistant Professor) American Studies Program – Disability Studies; Cultural Studies; Queer & Crip History of Rural White Nonconformity
Angie Chabram-Dernersesian (Professor) Chicano/a Studies – Chicana literature; cultural studies; Chicana/o representations, including feminism, cultural theory, and health narratives; documenting Chicana/o knowledge forms, practices of everyday life, culture, and activism.
Howard Chiang (Associate Professor) History – History of modern China and global Sinophone cultures, with an emphasis on the critical studies of science, medicine, gender, and sexuality.
Lucy Corin (Professor) English - Creative Writing (novel and short story) with an emphasis in 20th Century American Fiction, Innovative Narrative, and Theory of Fiction
Allison Coudert (Professor, Castelfranco Chair in the History of Christianity) Religious Studies – Religion and Science; Jewish-Christian Relations and Christian Kabbalah; Race, Class, Gender and Religion; Western Esotericism (Alchemy, Kabbalah, Mesmerism, Spiritualism, Theosophy)
Marisol de la Cadeña (Professor) Anthropology – Indigeneities; Politics and the Political; Cultures of History and Memory; Science and Technology Studies (particularly the interface Science/Politics); World Anthropologies, Race Critical Theory; Anthropology of the State (Areas: Latin America: Andes and Central America)
Sergio de la Mora (Associate Professor) Chicano/a Studies – Latin American and Chicano/Latino film, video, digital media and literature, third cinema, Queer of Color Critique, and cultural studies, focusing primarily on racialized and sexualized cultural identities and representation in Mexican and Chicana/o & Latina/o popular culture
Corrie Decker (Associate Professor) History – 20th century social and cultural history of East Africa, childhood and youth, education, gender and sexuality, colonialism, Islam, development.
Donald Donham (Professor) Anthropology – Changing forms of power; the ways that economic systems intertwine with cultural form; historical methodology as it applies to ethnography; marxism and post-marxism; narrative as social theory; the interpretation of violence; the history of cultural anthropology; and the ways that sexuality, gender, and class interact in transnational settings
Joseph Dumit (Professor; Chair of Performance Studies) – Anthropology and Science and Technology Studies (STS) - PET scan brain imaging and what assumptions about brain anatomy, psychology, and human nature needed to be made in order to conduct experiments, and then how the images circulate through popular culture, courtrooms, and patients' lives; patient experiences, difficult to define illnesses, and the history of medicine
Omnia El Shakry (Professor) History – History of the Modern Middle East (especially Egypt); Modern European and Arab Intellectual History; History of Colonialism; Gender and Sexuality in the Modern Middle East; Visual Arts, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Contemporary Middle East
Yvette G. Flores (Professor) Chicana/o studies - Latina/o mental health; feminist psychologies; state, family and intimate partner violence
Kathleen Frederickson (Associate Professor) English - Victorian literature and culture; feminist and queer studies; the history of biology, psychology, and the social sciences; Marxism; and psychoanalysis
Elizabeth Freeman (Professor) English – 19th century American Literature; gender and sexuality; critical theory; cultural studies
Lorena Garcia (Professor) Public Health Sciences - Health disparities, in particular obesity and diabetes (metabolic and nutritional disorders), intimate partner violence (injuries), immigrant health and acculturation in the Latino community.
Laura Grindstaff (Professor) Sociology – Culture: cultural studies, popular culture, film and television, gender/race/class; Feminist Studies: gender, sexuality, race/class, media and popular culture, feminist theory
Milmon F. Harrison (Associate Professor) African American & African Studies – Sociology of religion; the Black church in America; American race/ethnic relations; Social stratification; Representation of African Americans in popular culture
Ellen Hartigan-O’Connor (Professor) History– 18th and 19th century American history; American women’s history; Social, business and economic history
Inés Hernández-Ávila (Professor) Native American Studies – Native American Women's Poetry; Contemporary Indigenous literature of Mexico; Indigenous/Native Theater; Native American Religious Traditions; Native American Literature in Performance; Narratives of Indigeneity; Native American women’s and Chicana spiritualities; creative writing/poetry/short fiction
Margherita Heyer-Caput (Professor) Italian – Italian literature of the twentieth and nineteenth centuries, with particular attention to philosophical approaches to literature; Italian women writers; Italian and Italian American cinema
Wendy Ho (Professor) Gender, Sexuality, & Women’s Studies and Asian American Studies – women and gender studies, Asian American studies, feminist theory, Asian American literature and women, literature by women of color, masculinities, cultural and food/environmental/sustainability studies
Lynette Hunter (Professor) Theatre and Dance – 20th century and current feminist theory and aesthetics; women's domestic work from the 16th to 21st centuries; women's thought and the rise of modern science; women's writing and publishing; women and citizenship
Robert McKee Irwin (Professor, Herbert A. Young Fellow) Spanish & Portuguese – Mexican and Latin American Cultural Studies; Border Studies/Latino Studies; Gender and Sexuality Studies; Mexican Golden Age Cinema; Sports Media Studies; Digital Storytelling, Community Based Scholarship
Rana Jaleel (Associate Professor) Gender, Sexuality, & Women’s Studies - relationships between law, legal processes, militarism, and social justice movements; how the transnational production of feminist legal and cultural knowledge about sexual violence generates new conceptualizations of gender, war, race, labor, and justice that further global capitalism
Elisabeth Krimmer (Professor) German – Gender studies, History and representation of war, German literature 1800-2000, Hollywood film
Sunaina Maira (Professor) Asian American Studies – Youth culture; popular culture; South Asian diaspora; Arab, Afghan, and Muslim American communities; War on Terror; U.S. empire; Palestine
Amina Mama (Professor) Gender, Sexuality, & Women’s Studies - culture and subjectivity; politics and policy; women’s movements and militarism
Desirée Martín (Associate Professor) English – Mexico border studies; Chicano/a & Latino/a literature & culture; literature of the Americas; 19th & 20th-c. Mexican literature; performance art & theater; subaltern studies
Cristina Martinez-Carazo (Professor) Spanish & Portuguese – Spanish Peninsular Culture and film; the representation of immigration in Spanish film; Spanish social cinema; 19th century Spanish literature; History of Art
Lisa Materson (Associate Professor) History – American women's history, African American history, late nineteenth- and twentieth-century political history of the U.S., history of women's involvement in the movement for Puerto Rico's independence from the U. S.
Zoila Mendoza (Professor and Chair) Native American Studies – Sociocultural Anthropology; Ethnomusicology; Performance and Dance Studies; Performance Practices in the Americas, particularly music, dance and festivals in Peru and the rest of the Andean region; Quechua language.
Beth Rose Middleton (Professor) Native American Studies - Native environmental policy and Native activism for site protection using conservation tools; intergenerational trauma and healing, rural environmental justice, indigenous analysis of climate change, Afro-indigeneity, and qualitative GIS
Susette Min (Professor) Asian American Studies – Asian American Literature and Art; Ethnic American Literature; Contemporary art and visual culture
Kimberly Nettles-Barcelon (Associate Professor) African American & African Studies – Politics of race, gender, and food; issues of critical feminist pedagogy, intersectionality; ethnography, autoethnography, and narrative writing; consumption, authenticity, and culinary tourism; feminism and food; women entrepreneurs
Bettina Ng'weno (Associate Professor) African American & African Studies – Cultural anthropology; States; Property; Race and ethnicity; Rural societies; Politics; Social justice; Equality; Law; Latin America and Africa
Ana Peluffo (Professor) Spanish & Portuguese – Latin American literatures and cultures with an emphasis on the 19th and 20th century; gender and ethnicity; literature and the nation; Andean and Southern Cone cultures; poetry and visual arts
Jessica Bissett Perea (Associate Professor) Native American Studies - music, sound and media studies; 20th and 21st century American music history; Indigenous aesthetics and philosophies; Alaska Native and Circumpolar Inuit cultures, histories, and politics; intertribal and intercultural alliances and cultural production; popular, folk, jazz and improvisational performance cultures; critical race and gender studies; research methodologies and critical pedagogy
Lisa Pruitt (Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor) School of Law – Law and rural Livelihoods, Feminist jurisprudence, Legal profession, torts, How law and legal institutions manage and respond to cultural difference and cultural change
Joanna Regulska (Vice Provost & Associate Chancellor) Global Affairs Division-women’s agency, political activism, grass-roots mobilization and the construction of women’s political spaces.
Gloria M. Rodriguez (Professor) School of Education –School finance/resource allocation and educational leadership from a critical, social justice perspective; notions of educational investment that reflect efforts to build upon community strengths in order to address community needs within and beyond educational settings; educational conditions and trajectories of Chicana/o-Latina/o communities, other communities of color, and low-income populations in the U.S.
Clarissa Rojas (Assistant Professor) Chicano/a Studies Dept.- Violence, Medical Violence, Medicalization and Sociology of Health; Chicana, American Indian and Women of Color Feminisms, Critical and Comparative Race Studies, Queer of Color and Two Spirit Studies; Chican@/Latin@, Latin American, Decolonial and Zapatista Movements and Theories; Border Violence, Cultures and Migration Studies.
Eric Russell (Professor) French & Italian - phonology, phonetics and issues of language in society, especially surrounding sexuality and gender; French and Dutch-based creole languages; same-sex marriage, adoption, IVF, gender inclusion) in Europe, with particular focus on cases in France, Italy, Germany and Belgium
Suzana Sawyer (Professor) Anthropology – Struggles over resources in the Ecuadorian Amazon, focusing specifically on conflicts over land and petroleum development among forest peoples, the state, and multinational oil companies
Juliana Schiesari (Professor & Chair) Comparative Literature and Italian – Renaissance Literature of Italy, France and England (some interest in early modern German literature); Psychoanalysis, with a special interest in mourning and trauma; Gender studies; Feminist Theory; Post-humanist Theory with an emphasis on animals and human culture
Sudipta Sen (Professor) History – Late Medieval and Modern India, British Empire
Jocelyn Sharlet (Associate Professor) Comparative Literature – The uncertainty and flexibility of patronage as a form of social order; the development of professional status for poets as an alternative to ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic aspects of identity; portrayal of informal relationships in medieval Arabic poetry and stories
Kimberlee A. Shauman (Professor) Sociology – Social Stratification; Social Demography; Family, Kinship and Gender; Education
Julia Simon (Professor) French & Italian – 18th century French literature and culture; French Enlightenment's relationship to German Idealism, Marxism, and the Frankfurt School; the social contract tradition; music as an aesthetic force in social life
Victoria Smith (Professor) Sociology – Organizations; Work, and Corporations; Gender and Inequality; Field Methods
Eric Smoodin (Professor) American Studies – American and European film history from1895 to 1960; the American and European film industries; the film audience; the history of Film Studies as an academic discipline; Archivally-based historiographic practices
Smitri Srinivas (Professor) Anthropology and Middle East/South Asia Studies –constructions of cultural identity and cases of spirit possession within the context of borderland political economy; understandings of "urban religion" as well as the relationship between a religious imaginary, understandings of citizenship, sites of sociality, and devotional memory; designs for utopian place-making from the early twentieth century to the present that link South Asia with Europe and North America
Madhavi Sunder (Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor) School of Law – Intellectual Property (Including International Intellectual Property); Law And Cultural Studies; Cyberlaw; Women's Rights
Hulleah J. Tsinhnahjinnie (Professor, Director of CN Gorman Museum) Native American Studies – Contemporary and traditional Indigenous arts; Visual sovereignty, photography, video, multi-media installations and traditional Native American techniques
Kieu-Linh Caroline Valverde (Associate Professor) Asian American Studies – Southeast Asian American history and contemporary issues, mixed race and gender theories, Fashionology, Aesthetics, Diaspora, and Transnationalism Studies
Heghnar Watenpaugh (Professor) Art History –Early modern and modern Islamic Art and Architectural History, urban history, theory of architectural preservation, and architecture and gender; issues of cultural heritage and controversies surrounding cultural property
Julie Wyman (Associate Professor) Cinema and Digital Media – gender and the body, notions of power, physicality, and gender categories; cultural and media constructions of health, weight, gender and body image
Suzy Zepeda (Associate Professor) Chicano/a Studies – Chicana/Latina decolonial feminisms, social justice, critical race and ethnic studies, U.S. women of color feminist theory, LGBTQI and queer of color studies, transnational visual culture, oral history, oral storytelling, and archival research, collaborative methodologies, cultural memory, historical narratives, and generational healing
Li Zhang (Professor) Anthropology – Urban studies (especially space-making, urban planning, and power dynamics); global middle-classes and consumption practices; mental health and well-being; selfhood and therapeutic processes; labor migration; postsocialism; critique of neoliberalism; East Asia (especially China)